Saturday, October 17, 2015



For many, Japanese History, is often said presented, and from it all too, simply said Asian, and if not said too, corresponding in all, and to talk too of China in itself that is. That Japanese History and as said perceived as such, is often believed said divided, and into many a said Period, and Periods too, and that do in all even attempt to glorify, Japanese Culture, Custom, Dress, Art, Leadership etc., and if not in speak truly, and of Japanese Militarism, and as said to speak too, and of the Samurai, and if not of Japanese Government in itself too that is.

In saying that, the said version above, and of Japanese History, does in all even refer, and to speak of Japan, and in Language truly, and not Symbol truly either, is to now too say that, it is a History, and that does in all even align itself that is, and to speak too of Asia, and if not of China truly that is. That Japan, is believed said to have, a said alternate manner in all, and of viewing its History, and that can too be said, and to speak of Symbol that is. A History too, said believed to originate in all, and in the said Island of Okinawa, for it all too, does now speak, and of Japanese History, and not as said Rich too perhaps, but probably said Complex in its ways in all, for it does too, associate speak of Japan, and with what one too, could term Conventional History, Natural History, Political History, a said Comprehensive/Comparative History, and if not in speak too now, and of Human History in itself that is. That speak of a name, and such as that of Fu Manchu, does speak of a Japanese Political History, and if not of speak too, and of Chinese and Korean Immigrants, and into Japan, but that in all again, Japan, and in its said attempt, to in all even attach itself, in Name, and if not in Symbol too, and to the said History of the United States of America, can too be said to have this attempt, grounded in all, and in a said Japanese Comprehensive/Comparative History, and that does too speak and of the very name of Akio Morita, Mr. for instance, and if not in speak of Sony in itself too that is.

A said differing manner in all, and of viewing Japanese History, and as now said too, sided in all, and to that said American too, does in all even speak, and of what Human History, is said to be all about. A History too, Human History, and in the United States of America, now too said African-American that is, for it all can be said to speak, and of the City of Philadelphia too for instance, and in Name or Meaning too, and if not in speak, and of what too does pass for, or serve for, the following that is [and in both Japanese, and American History too]:

1. Cruelty
2. Atrocity
3. Adversity
4. Barbarity (Ambiguity)

In all, the said History of Jazz, and as said now too perceived, and in speak of Mood, Presence or Solitude too, but that in all again, speak now and of a said new manner in all, and of viewing Japanese History, and as too said Asian, and if not said Post-Modern too that is.

Saturday, October 3, 2015



In saying that, Japan today, is said known too, and as said Modern, Western or Contemporary too, is to now too simply add, that Japan, does still very much struggle, and in its said defining itself, and in speak of Internationalism, Professionalism, Nationalism, and if not of the Traditional too [and in said speak of Japan, or of the Japanese Memory too, and as said too, to speak, and of the traditional Japanese Home, and as said too, Shoin-Zukuri that is].

Wednesday, July 29, 2015



In referring and to a said previous post, and that did in all even call Japanese Culture, rather admirable in its ways, is to now add and on all that said, and in referring now, and to speak of Japanese Courtesan culture that is. That Japan, is simply said home, and to Etiquette, or said Human Manners too in all, and that do in all even, and in a said Proverbial Context too, rival those said Western, and if not those said too European that is.

In now saying that, Relational Contextes in all, and that do in all even refer to speak of Men and Women, and away from speak of the Sexes, and if not of Gender too, do in all even exist, is to not only refer, and to speak of the Courtesan, Japanese that is, or in speak too and of the said motive here, and of a Magazine, and such as Vanity Fair too, for it is to now and in all again, state that, said even Stagnant Human relations/relationships, and that do in all even speak of the Sexes, and if not of Gender too, can be said revitalized in all, and via speak and of what does pass for Repertoire, and as said too, a manner in all, and of Communicating that is, Amicable, or Cordial too, and between Men and Women too that is.

Sunday, July 26, 2015



This entry, does in all even attempt, to proffer in all, a said manner that is, and of viewing our World today, and away from speak of Constructs, and onwards, and to speak truly of Paradigms that is. That most do in all even know of the Construct, and with it all even said to speak, and of the very manner in all, we do often view said Gender, Race, Age and Class Ideologies too, and in our said lives too that is. That what in all, we are attempting to get at here, is that, most today, are said in all even, not understanding of History, and as it did happen too, for we do in all even live in a World said defined today, and by speak of the Construct, and not of the Symbol truly either.

That in all, it too can be said, that History, can too be said, and to belong, and in this very day, and to those too, and who do in all even understand or know truly, what a Paradigm, is simply said to be. However, it too can be said here, and in regards and to speak of assumptions made, and as said to refer, and to the said detailing of life that is, that History, is still very much said, a subject/topic, and of relevant debate/musings that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and from a said context, and that does in all even refer, and to the said even contentious matter/issue in all, debatable too, and if and if not, History, is believed said something worthy/truly of acquainting oneself with, and in now truly associating History, and with speak and of the very term/word of Currency, and if not of the Forex Exchange too that is.

In saying that, the said political existence, and of the Construct in itself, and as said Ideology too, has in all even met resistance so to say, and from said too here, Historical, Political, Evolutionary forces in all, and in speak too and of what does pass for Modern Democracy today for instance, is to now associate it all again, and with speak of Japanese History, and into Asia in itself too, and as said associated or referring, and to speak too of Black Markets, Kabukicho, and if not in speak too of the rise of many a said Chinatown for instance [Link].

In saying that, Japanese society today, and in regards and to speak of History, may be modeled in all, and in speak of the Paradigm (and in speak too of the said Inner/Internal Workings of Japanese society), is to now too, simply offer, a simple said manner in all, and of studying Paradigms, and that could be said too, and to speak of the Jazz Artform that is. That in simply introducing this said Paradigm, and to most, is to associate it all, and with speak too, and of what one could term a Guide/Counsel too that is, and as with it all even said to refer, and to speak too of the said role/position, and of a Skilled Helper that is. However, in simply attempting to make the said Paradigm fun in its ways, and in study too, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Jazz, and of the very said manner too, Jazz in all, does define the following: (1). Discounting (2). Pre-occupation (3). Mandatory (4). Selection (5). Contention.

In all, and in regards and to speak too here of Pre-occupation that is, speak now and of History in itself, and as said too perceived, and from what in all is simply said, to pre-occupy, ones said mind that is, or as simply said to keep one busy, and in said sentimental thought too for instance.

Friday, June 19, 2015



This post, and which does serve and as a said even, rejoinder, and to the previous post on Cloud Computing, now does attempt to very much even tackle, the said even demise, and of Intellectualism, and in society or the World today, and in favour in all, and for too speak perhaps, and of Leadership in itself that is.

That the World today, and away too, and from speak of Leadership in itself too that is, can too, be said perceived, and in speak now of Capitalism, Professionalism, and if not of Intellectualism too that is. That it is in speak now of Professionalism in all, and which is in all even, believed, a failure, and in regards, and to helping truly solve, most of the World's problems, and in speak now, and of it all said even equated too, and to the previous post/entry in all, and which did in all even refer, and to speak of Development too, and as said very much perceived, and from speak of Updates, and if not of Upgrades too, and as said even, referring, and to the Einsteinian Worldview in all, and which does in all even perceive the World so to say, and from speak too of Relativism in itself that is [and a World too so to say, believed said even truly acquainted, and with speak now too and of Corruption, Bribery, and if not of Misconduct in itself too that is].

In speak now though, and of Capitalism, and of the Capital Class too, speak now and of their said too, having consolidated their Wealth, and Wealth too, acquired in the last 200-300 Years that is, and via speak too of Profiteering in all, having consolidated their Wealth, and with the Banking Industry in itself, and in speak and of their said too now, owning, the Banks that is, and as with it all even said to refer, and to speak and of their owning, and of Football and Soccer Clubs too, and in the United States and England too and respectively said that is.

Intellectualism though, is known able, to give birth, and to novel approaches in all, and in regards, and to the developing in all and so to say, and of Industry that is. In the very least too, Intellectualism, does not actually speak of Idea generation in itself, but in many a way truly, speak now too, and of the bringing of differing peoples, Artists, Businessmen, Philosophers, Athletes etc., and whose said even point-of-views in all, differing too, can in all even spur, many a said here, truly agreeable Idea that is. However, Intellectualism, and as most would know it, can in all even point at, speak of this very Blog, and in regards now, and to a said termed even, Intellectual Class, defining itself, and if not others too, and in speak now, and of Routine, Circuits, and Loops too that is. Hopefully, this can be understood, and from speak of Loops here, and which do in all even, speak, and not of Lifestyles truly either that is, and in further speak here now and of Circuits too perhaps, but in speak now truly, and of Livelihood in itself too, and as said even to refer, and to someone, and as simply said a Philanthropist too for instance.

In all, Intellectualism, and in Industry too, best said associated here, and with speak too of the Bloomsbury Group for instance.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing.

What can Cloud Computing, and as now said even, or said touted too, and as said the next big thing, and in Computing too that is, be said to stand for or represent for, and in society today, and in regards now, and of the said evolved even, manners in all, and of Consolidating Identity, Wealth, or even said Effort here too perhaps, and in regards and to speak of Performance too for instance?

Before we can get to the above, and in now simply attempting, to explain it all, in a rather said even clear tone that is, and if not having it all said too, Political in its ways, is to now too perhaps, speak now, and of the Road or Path taken, and not Journey truly either, and in now having one simply arrive, and at the said Cloud Computing cross-roads that is, and as some might in all even put it too that is.

That this History, is more or less, truly, or obviously, said American, and not Japanese either, but could in all even have to it, a Japanese Imprint of a kind, and in regards now, and to American definitions, and of the Trustworthy that is (and not of Trust truly either), and in speak too now, and of past Japanese/Sino - American relations that is.

In having said the above, is to now too say that, society, and if not civilization too, is known or believed to arise, and in speak now, and of Man, and his said fellow Human Beings too, and as said now too, defining themselves truly, and in speak of Trust that is. Trust too, and that does in all even speak of Marital Commitment for instance, and if not of Political/Group Engagement, and in helping foster, or simply give rise, and to Community, and if not society too, and as said even simply grounded in all, and in speak too only and of one said term/word that is: Trust. That such society too, now does in all even differ from that seen today, for it is in all even marked, and by speak of Invention too, and that could very well speak and of whom/who in all Man is, and in speak too now of Practises that is [and not in speak of problem-solving in itself either].

As Time does in all even though, pass by, or go along truly, and in speak now and of perceiving History, and from a said even Literary fashion that is, and which does in all even refer, and to speak too of the Age of Innocence for instance, we do in all even find and see, and in the more recent Times too, past 200-300 years so to say, view Man now, living in societies, and as said defined truly, and by speak of the Trustworthy that is. That this History, is said Japanese too, but said best perceived, and from an American Perspective that is, and which does see America in all, and after the American Revolutionary War, now decide, to very much engage, and in building societies that is, said too, very much driven, and by speak now too, and of Slave holding Nations/Families that is. That in all, America now, is simply said defined, and by speak of the Trustworthy that is, and in speak now too, and of said even Key-Figures in society in all, and as believed said the only persons in all again, said able, and of embodying Trust in itself that is.

America's decision, and to in all even engage, and in Slavery, can be said to be of bemusement to some, and in speak now too, and of America, and as said known having, a strong to it, Jesuit Tradition, and one too, and that does in all even attempt to define one, and as said a truly an able Worker for instance, and if not in speak too now, and of the Building, and of the History too, and of the City of Chicago too that is. However, America in all can now though, be said presumed, to be having serious to it, Trustworthy issues/matters that is, and in speak now too, and of the said even Assassination (Killing) of former American President Abraham Lincoln that is, and in now saying that, Slavery, and in the United States of America that is, now does transform society in America in all, and in manners or ways, most don't truly understand, and in emotion too perhaps, for it now does speak too, and of America defined, and in Intellect too, and in speak truly and of one term/word that is: Usability.

That what is been said here is that, and in speak now too, and of freed Men/Slaves in America, is that, there is a manner in all, and of viewing American History, and in regards to speak too of Slavery, and that does speak too, and of the name/word, and of Jamestown, and in the said Upper American Colonies too that is. That Jamestown, is too, perceived, very much English, and not American truly either, but in now saying that, Slaves in Jamestown, do in all even originate it is believed, and from Sierra Leone in Africa, is to not say it all, for Slaves in Jamestown, and with their History too, observed or associated in all, and with speak of American Slave Markets that is, and not of Cotton Plantations in the Southern States too either, now do in all even appear, empowered, and in speak too of the Tasks, assigned to them that is. That it is this History, now too, said Anglo, or WASP too that is, and in further speak too of the United States of America today that is, and whereby, society now, in America, is now said to evolve, and away from speak too, and of the Trustworthy, and onwards, and to speak now, and of Technology driven societies, and that are in all even defined primarily it can be said here, and by speak of Usability that is. That Usability in all, is now too, and away from speak of Technology, now too does speak of societies, highly said defined, and by speak of Capital too that is.

However, this History, is best told it is believed here, and from speak of African Slaves, and as said even Free Men too, and who are in all even involved in Work Tasks, and that do too, speak of the building of the White House, and in Washington D.C too that is. That American society now, is said defined, and in speak of Usability that is, and of Man too, and as said even highly defining himself now, and not in speak of the Tools he does actually possess, but in many a way truly, and of his learning to define Capital that is, and in speak and of the changing Times, or in speak too and of changing Sentiment too that is. In all again, a said existence or world, and which does see to it, African Slaves, and as said Free Men too, now said even possessing Capital to their names, and in speak of societies ruled over, and by speak too of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too that is.

Japan though, is a society, and that does develop differently, and from that said American too, for Japanese Culture in itself, is often simply described by most, and as simply said Admirable in its ways, and in speak too of it all, and as said perceived, and from speak of Trust that is. It is however, and in the often said/termed Edo Period (1603-1868), and whereby, one does see Japan in all, highly said too, defined, and not by speak of Westernization so to say, but in speak and of its defining itself, and in speak truly and of the Trustworthy that is. Japan, and as it is today though, does not truly arise, and with speak of Japanese-American relations that is, and which do in all even lead to the Pearl Harbour Bombings, but in speak now truly, and of its Samurai/Geisha tradition, and which does in all even see, Japan, and as said even a Knowledge driven society, and in speak of Content too, and Content too that is, and which does in all even speak of Japan, and as said even dealing, and with Key-Trust issues/matters that is [or in speak here too, and of National Security in itself too for instance].

In America though, society does not evolve, and as most would expect it, for in speak now of societies driven by speak of Capital, and if not of Usability so to say (and in speak now and of the said here, Accumulation of Capital that is), now does see to it, go along in all, and with speak of African-American History, and as said to refer, and to speak too of the name of Rosewood for instance. That it is in speak of America and as said defining itself, and in speak of Capital, and of the building of Rail Systems across America too for instance, and which does in all even see, Slavery though, come to an end, and in speak too now, and of the American Civil War that is. That in a said here world, or societies too, and as said defined, and by speak of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too, and in further speak and of the very rise of American Media, and as most do know it today, one does see to it, rising animosity, and in the generating or creation of Wealth too, and towards those, simply said not Patriotic that is [that American Patriotism, now too, is said believed even to house or hold, many a said feeling or sentiment, and in regards, and to speak of Communal Wealth/Identity that is, and as simply described or said American too]. In all, one does see, a game of favour and disfavour, arise here, and in speak now too, and of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too, and as coming to be defined, and by speak of Patronization in itself, and if not in speak of the Vote too, and in further speak here, and of segregative attitudes in all, and which would in all even tell one that, it is not known if it is true or not true, that George Washington, said first President of the United States of America, did in all even keep/have African Slaves, and in his Household/Mansion too, and in Mount Vernon, Washington too that is.

In all, the above, does all lead too, and to speak of many a said Development Agenda, and in the often termed Third World Nations that is, and which do in all even, not speak of Capital in itself, but in all truly, speak now, and of Upgrades, and Updates too, and in regards, and to speak of Communal Identity, or Identity too, and in a said even having a statistical inference here in all, and to it all, and that does speak, and of Data/Knowledge, and as said presented, and from speak of Brackets that is [or speak too here, and of a said even, highly successful Community for instance]. 

Cloud Computing though, is said too, the new thing, and which could bring, Prosperity, and if not Wealth truly, and to many, and in speak now too, and of Knowledge/Information, and as said even processed, anew that is [or speak here, and of having new perspectives, and on many a said old thing too that is]. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Cloud Computing, now too, can be said two things, but that in all again, it can be said too, and to speak of societies, lopsided in their ways, and in the definition of Wealth that is, and in speak now too, and of societies, American truly so to say, now said defining themselves, and in speak of Viability for instance. That Cloud Computing, and as those who do read this Blog, would understand it, is said now, to speak of Routines, Circuits and Loops too, and as said referring, and to speak too of Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds that is. However, it is the said perspective, and that does refer to Cloud Computing, and as said to speak of Viability that is, or speak too, and of the best said Ideas, and at any given moment too (and which do in all even refer, and to speak of Resource Management that is), and such that, Viability, and in regards and to speak of Cloud Computing, now too, does speak even, and of Cloud Computing that is, and as said even perceived, and in speak too of Services, Internet too, and as said defined/described as follows: IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and if not of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

In all, it does all speak too, and of said societies, today, and as said even truly defined, and by speak of the Consolidation, and of Identity too, and not Wealth truly, and in speak now and of societies, ruled over by Centralized Structures, and of the said Legal 'terms' too, and of Supra, and if not of Infra too for instance.

Cloud Computing for Dummies.

[Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie]

Sunday, June 7, 2015

World Affairs

World Affairs.

We do in all, simply live in a World gone Global. In understanding all this better, is to perhaps speak now on, what does in all even pass, and for said here, recent trends or changes too, and in said recent History too that is. That in the very least, it can now be said to speak and of the very rise of Diplomatic relations in all, and as in all even said Global, International or Worldly too. At the very most, speak now, and of the said History, said British too, and of Mass Migration it is believed, and in the more recent of times, and in speak of the World in itself, and if not of its differing Regions, and which does in all even furtherly speak or refer, and to speak and of the very rise and birth and of the Masses too that is. In speak of Midsight though, speak now, and of the said rise and in the very least too that is, and of National Media in all, and if not of Media today too, and which does in all even redefine many a person, and in speak of Taste in itself, and if not of in speak of Future Projections too that is.

This entry though, now does purport, to speak on, and for what does in all even constitute, and for World Affairs that is. That we do in all, live, and in a World, and which is often said, to have many a turbulent, issue or matter that is, and as said pertaining to speak of race, ethnic, colour etc. relations that is. That in attempting to make this all, an everyday problem, speak now and of the very difficulty, and in defining, what does in all even pass, and for said Identity too, and that does speak of the Commoner, the Resident, the National, the Native, the Westerner, the Local etc., and in now saying that, it does too speak of a World said gone Global, and if not in speak too now, and of what does pass for World Affairs, and in a World too, believed even heavily racialized that is.

In saying that, Jazz Music, does in all even attempt in all, and in bringing differing peoples too, and in a said harmony too that is, is to now speak too, and of Jazz Music, and in helping define what does pass for said Identity today, and in a said even heavily racialized World that is. That Jazz in all, now does too, attempt to in all even define, American Political Life, and as said too, and to speak even, and of the Candidate for instance. That Jazz, does have to it, many a manner or means in all, and of Communicating that is, and that do in all even lead to said interesting manners in all, and of defining and if not perceiving truly, whom or who in all, is simply said Native, Resident, Commoner etc.

In saying that, the Jazz approach to World Affairs though, is believed even said truly Intellectual, and in a World today often simply said filled too, and with Ignorance and to the brim, is to now approach speak of World Affairs that is, and from the very perspective of Ancestor Veneration, and which does too, speak of Contemporary Japan that is. That in the attempt to in all even, create Identity that is, and that does speak too of Ancestor Veneration that is, it can then best be said, that one does in all even find or see, lots of talk that is, and on what does in all even pass for African Identity, and in speak now of Race Relations too that is. That said African Identity, and that does speak too of Race Relations, can best be perceived in all, and from speak of it all said Religious, Cultural and Political too. That in speak of the Religious, speak now and of Religious Identity, African, and as now perceived, and from speak too of the very said History, and of Nubia, the Sudan, and if not of Khartoum too that is [and as with it all even said History, termed Egyptian/Monotheistic, Christian/Christianity, and if not British too, and respectively said that is]. In speak of the Cultural, speak now and of Cultural Profiles, and in speak now of Race Relations, and as said African, Coloured or Black too, and as with it all even believed said to refer, and to speak of Nigeria, and in Culture too that is [and if not in further speak too of the History of Slavery in Africa that is]. In speak though, and of the Political, speak now and of Identity, Profiles and Make-up too, and as said African that is, and in now saying that, the World does in all even perceive African Identity, African Profiles, and if not African (Racial/Genetic) Make-up too, and from speak now truly, and of South Africa that is.

In all, what it can be said here is that, the attempt to define Race Relations in all, harmonious too, and in further speak now and of World Affairs in themselves, and in a World today, said even divided and by speak of Moral Rectitude too, and that is said to in all even refer, and to speak of certain population segments/groups of the World, and as simply said left behind too that is, and in speak too of Development, it then can in all even be said that, and in speak of the Masses out there, and as now said too probably suffering in all, that it all now does speak too perhaps, and of the Indian Philosopher that is, and as simply asking of us, and of why we do in all even choose or seek to define, Success, and as said to speak of Acclaim, or Appraisals too, and as versus speak now too, and of Prestige that is. For the Indian World that is, and in Ceremony too, now does ask of us, to in all even define Success, and as said to refer and to speak of defining Prestige, and as said to refer to Property possessed too that is.

The Sudan.

Monday, April 27, 2015



When we do talk of Sponsorship in all, we are in all even truly talking of a Developmental Media in all, and that does speak too of Sponsors, Aid, Humanitarianism, Charities, International Services etc., and which does in all,  speak truly too, and of Japanese International efforts, and towards bettering in all, or making better too, the World that is, and in regards and to speak of Development, and as versus speak now and of similar Media, and as said emanating from the UN (United Nations), and if not from the UK (United Kingdom) too that is.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jazz Performance

Jazz Performance.

When one does in all even talk, of Jazz Performance in all, one is readily too, referring, and to Personas in all, and not Characters truly either, known to posses, an encompassing Magnetism to them, and such that, they are in all even able to connect so to speak, or readily impress too, many a person, and of a said alienable culture too that is. 

In saying that Japanese Culture, does in all even speak of the Enigmatic, is to now too claim that, Japanese Culture, is believed in all, said even rather old, and in regards too, and to speak of China that is, and one too, often perceived by many Scholars in all, and in speak now too of Performance, and if not of Theatre in itself that is. In saying that, most Asians, do in all even perceive Japanese Culture, and from speak of Critique and Analysis too, is to now say that, Japanese Culture, and as said evolved and in Intelligence, does in all even truly associate it all, and with speak of Tactical and Strategic Intelligences that is. Jazz, and as said though, possessing to it, Intelligence, and that is believed too remarkable in all, does in all even first off, refer, and to the very fact that, what they would in all term Jazz Instrumentals in all, do in all even find a home and in Africa too, but that in all again, Jazz, and as said to be an Intelligent Artform in itself, does have to it, Intelligence, and that does speak too of the Calculative, and of the Adaptive/Logistical too that is.

Both Japanese and Jazz Culture, do in all even heavily deal, and with speak and of the very subject or topic, and of Taboo that is. That we do in all even today, live, and in Media prolific cultures that is, and that are often associated and with speak of Independent and Creative Thinking too, but which in all, have led, and to an obliteration so to speak, and of our very definitions and of Taboo too that is. That there are many in all, and who do in all even deal with many a Taboo issue/matter that is, and who do in all even now, engage, and in the study of Japanese Culture, and such that, it does in all even speak of one, and as said developing a truly said strong Critical manner in all, and of Thinking that is. Those who do in all even understand, that Jazz Performance, or Jazz Culture in itself too, or Jazz and as said an Artform that is, does in all even encompass, just about all other forms out there in all, and in Performance too, is now to say, there are those who do in all even envision Jazz, and as said Void in its ways, and not Emptiness truly either, or it all said too, simply lacking and in notions in all, and of Taboo in itself too that is [that Jazz in all, could very well free one, and in simply not caring too much, and for what Taboo/Authority is believed said to be].

In now saying that, that the Jazz Intellectual, and in regards and to speak and of what does pass for a Jazz Recording truly, and not a Jazz Performance truly either, now does speak of one and as said fully possessing a truly Open Mind in all, now does go along in all, and with speak too of Japanese Identity, and in further speak too of Japanese Masks (Facial) in all, and of Japanese Culture too, and as believed said summarized, and in speak truly and of only one term/word: Shame. That in speak of African-American Identity, it not said Black either, now does speak too, and of it all summarized too, and in speak of the very word/term, and of Stigma that is [and of Jazz too, and as said to fully fit the African-American, and in Expression/Stigma that is, and in further speak too of Fashion/Bodies that is, for Jazz in all again, is truly in all not said African, and in this regard that is: Expression/Stigma].

In all, if Japanese Culture and in all again, can be said too and to speak too of the World-at-large, that said Jazz, now does refer, and to speak too and of the very term of Worldwide that is, and in further speak too now, and of one and as said in Performance, and as said to refer and to one, and in speak of Seppuku, or of the Street Bum too that is.

Jazz Piano.



Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Syndicate

The Syndicate.

Most out there, do truly wonder in all, what Jazz Music, is simply said to be all about. For some, an attempt in all, and in comparing it all, and to speak too of Classical Music, and in now associating the rise of Civilization in Europe, and with Classical Music and Austria, and in speak too now of many a person and as said wondering, if Jazz in all, could very well usher, a whole new Renaissance, and in regards and to speak too of Creative Expression, and if not of the rise, and of a whole new Talent that is.

In now saying that, Classical Music, is in all even associated, and with speak of the Muse, is to now say too that, Jazz in all, does have to it, its very own form/kind of Expression that is, and that does in all even impact one, and at the Hominid level too, and as said to now ask of one, whom/who in all, they are, and when they do Stare, Glare, Gaze, Peek, Glance, Glimpse, Peep etc., and at just about anything that is. That in all, and in speak of Civilization too perhaps, Jazz in all, does tell us, it can all be said rather civil, or truly uncivil too that is.

In having said that, is to now speak of what a Syndicate is believed said to be. For it in all, does speak too, and of Jazz, and in Expression, and in speak too now, and of it said taking African Dimensions too perhaps, and in the Organizational that is. In better understanding all this, is to now associate Classical Music, and as said inspiring Freemasonry styled organization in all, and in Europe too that is, and in speak of a World today, and in regards and to speak too of the CIA Factbook that is, and that does in all even speak of the Organizational in all, and as now said to speak of Hierarchies, and of Organization in itself too [for it is in all know that, Women, do in all even prefer Hierarchies, and with Men on the otherhand, said to in all, seek out Organization that is]. In saying that, Hierarchies and Organization, now does speak too and of what some do term a Country Profile, and in speak too of Flags that is, is to now too, speak of the Syndicate, and as said too now, to not speak truly of Networks that is, but in all even, and of Localization in itself, and of Localities too, and as said defined and in speak too of Resource in itself, and with it all said brought together so to speak, interconnected in all, and in speak of Strategy in itself too that is. That in all, Resource, and Strategy, can be said to in all even speak of Jazz, and in Expression, and if not in speak of it said inspiring Civilization too that is.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Molten Lava

Molten Lava.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with what most are simply said in all, and to be searching for, and in speak too of Modern/Contemporary lives, and if not those said Western too that is. That for most, a desire and in all perhaps, and to truly attain ownership in all again, and of something, and that does in all even truly validate, their life experiences, and if not speak and of something, and that does in all even guide them, and in their search for Wholeness in all, and in these Present Times we do live in that is.

That in understanding all this much better/clearer, the previous post in all, did speak too, and of the seeking out in all, and of creating Identity, and in speak too of the Proverbial, and of Jazz and the Salutational too that is.

In helping one understand all this is better, is to say that, simply knowing whom/who in all, one is, and in speak of the Proverbial, or the Salutational too, now does in all even speak, and of Spirituality, and of Religion too, and that does in all even speak of Embodiment in itself that is [or speak simply too, and of one and as said becoming in all, and by the moment too, anything in all again, they do in all even readily salute for instance, or readily adhere to in all].

In many a way though, this very entry, and as now helping one see themselves, and in regards and to the seeking out of Wholeness in all, and as said to speak too, and of the validating in all, and of ones life's experiences, or life too, and as simply said worthwhile in its ways that is.

That in all again, most do in all even perceive life, and in speak now, and of Security (Protection, Preservation, Defense/Offense), Defence & Guard too [or speak in all again, and of life and as primarily in all even, perceived, and in speak too of the Provisional/Sacrificial that is].

There are those though, who do in all even view life, and from speak too of the Additional, the Cumulative, or the Culminative too, and in further speak now too, and of it all said to speak too of one, and in origins, descent and roots too that is [or speak in all again, and of life and as primarily in all even, perceived, and in speak too of the Motivational/Economical that is].

There are those too though, and who do in all even view life, and from speak too of Mindsets, Mentalities, and if not of Tendencies too, and in speak of Identity created now, and in further speak of Ancestral Blood that is [or speak too of life, and as primarily in all even defined/perceived, and in speak too of the Directional/Practical that is].

The Salutational.

The Jazz Universe

The Jazz Universe.

In this entry, we shall in all propound that, the said physics phrase in all, 'the Keys to the Universe' so to speak, does in all even speak of Jazz, and not of Classical Music truly either. In understanding what we are trying to get at here, is to first off say that, Classical Music in all, is hereby classified, and in speak now, and of the very terms of Harmony, and of the Harmonious too that is. That this in all, does speak too, and of the said end, and of the 'old World', and which was in all even, truly characterized, and by speak of Harmony / the Harmonious in itself, and before the very World we do live in today, and as now said termed here 'the new World' in all, does arise, and amongst speak of Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism, Communism, Mass Migration etc., and such that, the 'old World' in all, and in speak too of Harmony in itself, is simply said to come to an end, or simply cease to exist that is.

While 'the old World', can now too, be said to best speak of the World, and in the said Western Hemisphere (the World outside Asia in all), it too, can best be said in all, centered, and in speak of Europe, Austria, and of Vienna too in particular, and as said home, and to Classical Music in itself that is [for Italy on the otherhand, is said defined by the Concerto, and of Spain, speak now and of the Folio too that is]. While Asia on the otherhand, and as often said believed a lower Civilization, and in speak too here and of Europe for instance, now does in all even speak, and of its said Classical Music tradition / Heritage, and as said to speak of the Harmonious, and not of Harmony in itself that is [for Harmony in itself, does too, go along in all, and with speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is].

In all, 'the old World', and as merely described, and in speak of the Proverbial in itself, and as perhaps now and in all even said coming to an end, and in speak too, and of that said Illustrious Figure, and of John Wilmot in himself, and before the World we do live in, does comes in all again, to be very much defined, and by speak too and of the Scottish, Irish and English people and as said as one, and in speak now and of the so termed British Isles, and as said associated and in History, and with speak of slavery, plague, disease, warring etc., but that it does in all even too, speak of Japanese History, and of the very word of Mikado too, and in speak now and of a World torn apart, and by Invasions and Wars, and if not speak and of the very term of Merriment too, and that does often speak too and of Portuguese Identity, and on a said World Stage too that is.

The Proverbial.


Wait until Dark: Jazz and the Underworld

In saying that 'the old World' did in all even come to an end, is to now too, speak and of the very birth of Jazz Music in itself, and as said too an Artform that is, and which does in all even speak and of the very world too, and of the Physicist that is, but as said engaged, and in speak too of Quantum Physics, and not Theoretical or Astro-Physics truly either. That the very world of Quantum Physics, and as said to speak too, and of the Einsteinian for instance, now does have to it Politics, and that do speak too, and of Jazz, and as said a highly developed Art-form that is. That the Classical Music World or Universe truly in all, did in all again promise, and to bring heaven down and onto Earth, but that in speak of the Jazz Universe in all again, and alongside speak too of Einstenian Politics, speak now and of many a shadowy, or dark Character in all, and as in all even willing or wishing to very much steal many an idea or even thought too (and if not property), and from one, and such that, the goal of it all, is to very much exploit or harness in all again, the power so to speak, and of such ideas, and in speak now and of one and as said benefiting from it all, and in speak too of commerce or outright fame too that is, and in further speak now and of Success in life, and as very much said to speak too, and of what some do term Perks that is.

In all, while the Classical Music Universe in all, did in all even speak of Harmony, and of visions and of Heaven in itself, and of the building too and of the Pyramids in Egypt that is, most in all again, are often said not to be truly aware in all, and of just what Jazz and as said an Art-form too, and one said African-American and in origins that is, is said to be all about [and as with it all even said to speak and of the Underworld too that is]. That for most, Jazz in all, does speak too, and of Versatility, or of Improvisation in itself, when in reality and so to speak, there is more to all this, and as Jazz in all again, is believed said in all, a Storytelling forum of a kind that is, and that does have to it, and in speak of Archetype, or Alchemy too, speak now and of versatility or Improvisation truly, but that in all again, speak too now and of the said here central figure, and of 'the Archer' that is [that the Archer, does in all even speak of the African Psyche truly, and not that said Egyptian truly either, and as the Archer in all, and in speak too of Asia, does in all even speak of Africa and in Asia too that is].

In all, while the Archer, is simply believed a figure known said to have a good Aim to him, 'he' in all even, is actually more than that, and from a Storytelling perspective too in all, for the Archer in all again, is actually driven by Instinct, and if not that said Evolutionary too, and in speak now and of Aim in itself too that is, and as said to speak and of unknown Forces in all, and as said unparalleled too, and in speak of the Pharaohs of Egypt that is, and which do in all even drive one, and to a certain said Target that is.

In all, the Jazz Universe, or speak too of Jazz, best now defined in all again, and not in speak only and of the Underworld, and not of the Heavens truly either, but in speak too, and of the very term, and of 'the Salutational' that is. In all, the Salutational, and as simply said here, and to speak and of the very world in all so to speak, and of the World Citizen and in himself too that is.

Jazz Guitar.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Time Loops

Time Loops.

In saying that, it is best or wise in all again, and to keep up on, the Physics tradition, and as said defining the Western World today too, and in its ways/manners in all, is to in all even now speak of differing views, and in regards and to speak of our Realities that is. That in speak of Einstein, the very belief that Reality in all, is in all even said Relativism in itself too, while in speak of Feynman, the very belief that Reality in all again, does speak truly and of our re-considering in all, the Present, the Moment and the Now too, but that in speak of Niels Bohr, and of Seppuku too now, speak now and in all again, and of the very manner in all, we do in all believe, of Loops, and Time Loops too, and to and in all even truly define our Realities that is.

The World Citizen

The World Citizen.

Many have heard of the denomination in all, and of the World Citizen that is, and as said to speak too, and of someone said having many a said Privilege in all, bestowed on them, and upon their in all again, making a said discovery in all perhaps, and that does in all even Amaze, or very much too, Improve or truly Better in all, the very lives of Millions that is.

In saying that Albert Einstein, or Einstein truly, was said in all, a World Citizen, is to in all even now embark, and on the attempt in all here, and in explaining, what in all does constitute and for the often termed/said Einstenian World that is [and as with it all even said to speak too of the Physicist, and as said a Technologist (Link), and if not a Theorist (Link) too that is]. That it in all, does now speak of many a Scientific Discovery, or speak too truly, and of many a Mathematical in all, Theory/Theorem, but in all truly even, speak now and of the Politics in all again, and that do in all even arise, and in speak too of the Einsteinian that is [and as versus speak too of the Orwellian truly that is]. Politics in all (Link), and that do in all even speak of WW2, Nazi Germany and of many a said Concentration Camp too perhaps, but Politics too, and as versus those said Orwellian (and which do too, speak of the Demagogue), Politics in all, and that do in all again associate, Power, and in speak too of Regulation, and with Empowerment, and not in speak either of Accountability in itself that is.

That in saying that, the Politics and that do go along in all, and with Empowerment, do speak too and of the said Modern Political problems in all, and that the United States of America does in all even face today (and alongside speak too perhaps, and of many a Security Breach in all, and in regards and to speak of the World Trade Center Bombings in all truly), this Blog in all again, will attempt to in all even, speak on the very fact that, the United States of America today, has in all even come to define itself, and in speak too of a World Media so to speak, and that does in all even say that, the only reputable Institutions in the World, are those said American that is. That the United States of America in all, and in speak of the Iraqi Wars too, is able in all, to veto any said decision in all perhaps, and by the United Nations (UN) too that is.

What though, does the term Seppuku mean? It in all, is believed said a word/term for the Samurai, and who are in all even said Monk too that is [and as versus those in all, Samurai, often said akin, and to the Buddhist Priest that is]. That the very World of Seppuku so to speak, is believed in all even to hold much promise, and in speak of the World today, and in regards and to speak too of History, World, and in further speak now, and of the very belief that, future Trends in all, and that are believed to bring true change to the World, do in all even now, lie/lay, and in speak of the World Citizen that is.

In having said this, below in all, a said reading in all again, simple, and of whom/who in all the Seppuku, are, and as very much said even Monks too that is [and in speak too here, and of what is believed said to stand for or represent for Japanese Humour too that is][Link]


The Monk, and as said Seppuku too:


Most out there, have heard of the Literary Masterpiece of a work, and by J.R.R Tolkien, and if not Tolkien truly, and that does goes by the name and of 'the Lord of the Rings'. Now, the Lord of the Rings, or LOTR too in all, does appear in all again, and in a Book version, the original and in version too, and in another said Movie format too that is. The difference between both of these though, or either of them that is, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, they do Scroll that is. That this entry in all, is based on the Book, and is in all even written in a manner in all again, and that does Scroll and as the Book in all, does very well too that is.

The Lord of the Rings, can be said very much perceived, and from speak too of its Characters, and not in speak of many an Event/Situation and as associated and with it all that is. That for most, the most primary of these Characters, and as often termed a Central Character too, is none other than Gandalf in himself, and who in all even does in all very much himself so to speak, and in a manner alike in all, and to that which does speak too of a Gallant or Benevolent (Prophet) Moses that is. In all, Gandalf, does now have the whole Tale, centered in all, and in speak of the Shire in itself, and of its inhabitants, and with the most famed of these, being none other than Frodo Baggins in himself that is. There are those though, and who do in all even believe, that the Lord of the Rings, could be said centered and in speak of Bilbo Baggins in himself too. That Bilbo Baggins in all, is simply said Central to the Tale, for it is he, and who does in all even possess, a said Ring in all, and which does in all even spell, for destruction, and if not of death personified too, and in speak now and of the very belief held by Gandalf, and of the evil inherent, and upon the Ring so to speak, said falling into the wrong hands that is. Gandalfs beliefs or version in all, and of the Ring in itself, and of the said danger associated with it all, does/did not truly appeal to me so to speak, for in all again, I did in all, very much see perhaps, and into Bilbo Baggins in himself, and into the said now morbidity in all, he did in all even have to him, and in his wanting to always possess the Ring, but in his knowing and in a manner in all and that does speak of Gandalf too, that the Ring in all, was in all even said destined in all perhaps, and to destroy its beholder that is.

Upon my reading of the work though, an acclaimed Literary Masterpiece, and that does Scroll in all, in a said faster manner in all again, and than the Bible probably does too, I did in all even come across the very said centered in all, Character, and of Tom Bombadil too. That Tom Bombadil, is said a Character, best defined in all, and in speak of only one word/term: Sobriety. For while the Tale in all does scroll on, and amidst many a Character, and with it all even said to speak of Gollum in himself too, Characters in all, believed said truly Untrsutworthy in their ways in all again, and such that, Sam Gamgee in himself, is called upon to show his Loyalty and in the slightest of manners too in all, and by none other than Frodo Baggins too, and in Frodo's now, said showering upon or showing upon in all again, Trust, and on Gollum in himself that is [that this incident, is believed said to manifest, and in Gollum now, simply said expressing himself, and in a manner in all, and that does in all even evoke sympathy and if not empathy too, and in regards and to speak of the Rings History that is : Mine]. In all, Tom Bombadil, and as perhaps in all even envisioned, and as the only said Character, truly Trustworthy in his ways, and in speak now of Gandalf too, and as said held prisoner, and by none other than Saruman the White that is.

What though, does this entry have to do, and with speak of the Lord of the Rings? Considering now that it is said a post in all, and as seen/found within this Blog, Counter 'Nairo', it in all even does call into focus in all again, the very said Character in all, Central too, and of Strider that is, and as with he even simply said Monk that is. That whom/who in all again, is Strider said to be? He in all, is believed said a Character of prime importance in all again, in that, he is simply said the connect, and in speak now and of the very term Validity/Validation in itself too that is. That Gandalf in all, and according to the reader, me so to speak, is simply said to stumble upon a scene, and that does speak of the Shire in all, and whereupon he does now it is said here, unleash the most weird/marvelous of tales, and that does in all even go along in all, with the very name of Sauron too that is. That to the reader, and for those too who have never truly read 'the Hobbit', Gandalf' is simply believed said a remarkable Figure of a kind, and with a Tale to tell too, and such that, the only way in all, and of making it all out as the Truth, now does speak too, and of whom/who in all again, is said able to in all even validate, his views or tale that is. That the only person it is believed to hold such a position or role, is none other than Strider. Four upon the Hobbits now, no pun intended, and as said making contact with Strider in all, everything that Gandalf has told them, sinks in as the Truth, and from that moment on, their lives are changed, and in speak now and of their knowing in all, they have in all been exposed to something, which does ring the bell and as the Truth in itself will/does, and such that, their being privy to all this, now simply makes for the unnerving in all, and in speak of the very manner in all again, they do in all define Being/being that is.

Presently and with my said now residing in Nairobi today, it does in all even speak now, and of my thinking of myself in all again, and in survival too, and as said Monk too that is. That Nairobi, a City once believed to hold the greatest of promise, now does see or have to it, many a said Slum too for instance, and in speak now and of Independence and as said coming to Kenya, promising all the Freedoms to life, and to its citizens too that is. All this though, did not actually work out, and as the so termed 'Struggle for Independence', did in all even present itself, and as Independence in Kenya, and in speak too of Democracy, now is associated and with diminishing Freedoms in all, and not Rights truly either, and such that, Success in all, and in Kenya today too, is often perceived and from speak of Freedoms, and not Rights truly either, and in speak too now, and of the very term Civilian, and as best describing Kenyans and in Temperament too that is. That in speak of the very belief that, Kenya and as said War-torn in all, and to a certain degree that is (and in speak too of Violent Tribal Clashes and of Ethnic Cleansings too), does speak now and of it said lacking to it, a proper Law Framework or Constitution truly too, for it now does speak of one and as said limited in Freedoms/Actions in all, and not Rights/Acts truly, and in speak too now, and of Slums all over Kenya, believed as said arising as such that is [in speak of the former truly, and not of latter fully either]. It is here now, and in speak of the Monk, that my interest in Strider does very much lie, or arise too, for Strider in all, is not simply said Intelligence fully that is, and in his helping guide the Hobbits, and to their destination, Mordor, but that in all again, he is said responsible for imbuing in all, a certain said 'sense of responsibility', and into the Hobbits in themselves, and that does speak too of Pacing in itself too that is. That the Hobbits in all, are simply taught by Strider in all again, simply how best to pace themselves (and in speak too of 'the Paces of life' that is), and such that, in speak of their Journey and as envisioned in all, and in speak too of, many a point reached in all again, it does in all truly talk of pacing in all, in that, one does not arrive at any said point in all again, earlier than one should, or a bit said later too, but in all even, at the very right moment or time that is. This in all, pacing that is, is what is believed said needed to succeed in Kenya today, and not opportunity either, for more opportunity in all, can be said to exist in all again, and on one and as said pacing themselves, and in a certain said manner too that is.

In helping one understand why Strider in all, is believed said such a Magnanimous Figure that is, and in speak too now and of Counter 'Nairo' and as said imagined up, is to in all even now speak of the very Political World we do in all live in that is. That for most, restrictions placed everywhere, and in the name of Regulation too, and such that, most in all are unable to do as they very would (and in speak too of Ancestral Blood for instance), and in speak now perhaps, and of the very belief that, Depression in all, is believed said the most prevalent of Medical conditions, and to be seen all over the World that is. In all, Strider, and as said a Magnanimous Figure and in Myth too, now does speak too, and of one simply said capable of doing as they would feel, and in a World and that does speak too of World Policing (Link), and by simply knowing, how best to pace oneself that is. That this in all even, does speak of the said current Political situation in Kenya today, and that does speak too of the term Graft that is [and in speak too of Property and Identity Theft in all truly].

In saying that, Nairobi in all, and as said Counter 'Nairo' too, can be envisioned and as said a Depot, it does in all even now speak and of what they do term/call Mixed-Media, and if not of Multi-Media too that is. For it in all, both Medias that is, does speak too, and of whom/who in all again, Strider is said to be, and upon visiting now said here wretched to some extent, Nairobi today that is, and in speak too now, and of the Depot in itself too that is.

In finality though, speak now too, and of what is believed said to speak and of the Regular in our lives, and as said in all even to speak of the very manner in all, we do pace ourselves. For it in all now, does speak of Nairobi and as said truly holding a World Status of a kind, and in speak truly of redefining it all, and in speak now truly of the Regular, and not in speak of Convention, Routine, or of the Habitual too that is. In all, the Regular here now, and as now said best perceived perhaps, and in speak too, of the very name of the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (nee JKIA, nee Nairobi International Airport, nee Embakasi too), and as perhaps providing a novel approach in all, and to what is believed to speak of the Regular, and in Nairobi today too that is. In all, the Regular, and in speak too of Strider perhaps, and as said to speak of someone and as simply said Free-willing in himself that is [that in all again, and in the name of pacing and the Regular, all is believed simply said possible, and in Prayer too, or truly manifest that is, and in Recital too that is].