Sunday, June 7, 2015

World Affairs

World Affairs.

We do in all, simply live in a World gone Global. In understanding all this better, is to perhaps speak now on, what does in all even pass, and for said here, recent trends or changes too, and in said recent History too that is. That in the very least, it can now be said to speak and of the very rise of Diplomatic relations in all, and as in all even said Global, International or Worldly too. At the very most, speak now, and of the said History, said British too, and of Mass Migration it is believed, and in the more recent of times, and in speak of the World in itself, and if not of its differing Regions, and which does in all even furtherly speak or refer, and to speak and of the very rise and birth and of the Masses too that is. In speak of Midsight though, speak now, and of the said rise and in the very least too that is, and of National Media in all, and if not of Media today too, and which does in all even redefine many a person, and in speak of Taste in itself, and if not of in speak of Future Projections too that is.

This entry though, now does purport, to speak on, and for what does in all even constitute, and for World Affairs that is. That we do in all, live, and in a World, and which is often said, to have many a turbulent, issue or matter that is, and as said pertaining to speak of race, ethnic, colour etc. relations that is. That in attempting to make this all, an everyday problem, speak now and of the very difficulty, and in defining, what does in all even pass, and for said Identity too, and that does speak of the Commoner, the Resident, the National, the Native, the Westerner, the Local etc., and in now saying that, it does too speak of a World said gone Global, and if not in speak too now, and of what does pass for World Affairs, and in a World too, believed even heavily racialized that is.

In saying that, Jazz Music, does in all even attempt in all, and in bringing differing peoples too, and in a said harmony too that is, is to now speak too, and of Jazz Music, and in helping define what does pass for said Identity today, and in a said even heavily racialized World that is. That Jazz in all, now does too, attempt to in all even define, American Political Life, and as said too, and to speak even, and of the Candidate for instance. That Jazz, does have to it, many a manner or means in all, and of Communicating that is, and that do in all even lead to said interesting manners in all, and of defining and if not perceiving truly, whom or who in all, is simply said Native, Resident, Commoner etc.

In saying that, the Jazz approach to World Affairs though, is believed even said truly Intellectual, and in a World today often simply said filled too, and with Ignorance and to the brim, is to now approach speak of World Affairs that is, and from the very perspective of Ancestor Veneration, and which does too, speak of Contemporary Japan that is. That in the attempt to in all even, create Identity that is, and that does speak too of Ancestor Veneration that is, it can then best be said, that one does in all even find or see, lots of talk that is, and on what does in all even pass for African Identity, and in speak now of Race Relations too that is. That said African Identity, and that does speak too of Race Relations, can best be perceived in all, and from speak of it all said Religious, Cultural and Political too. That in speak of the Religious, speak now and of Religious Identity, African, and as now perceived, and from speak too of the very said History, and of Nubia, the Sudan, and if not of Khartoum too that is [and as with it all even said History, termed Egyptian/Monotheistic, Christian/Christianity, and if not British too, and respectively said that is]. In speak of the Cultural, speak now and of Cultural Profiles, and in speak now of Race Relations, and as said African, Coloured or Black too, and as with it all even believed said to refer, and to speak of Nigeria, and in Culture too that is [and if not in further speak too of the History of Slavery in Africa that is]. In speak though, and of the Political, speak now and of Identity, Profiles and Make-up too, and as said African that is, and in now saying that, the World does in all even perceive African Identity, African Profiles, and if not African (Racial/Genetic) Make-up too, and from speak now truly, and of South Africa that is.

In all, what it can be said here is that, the attempt to define Race Relations in all, harmonious too, and in further speak now and of World Affairs in themselves, and in a World today, said even divided and by speak of Moral Rectitude too, and that is said to in all even refer, and to speak of certain population segments/groups of the World, and as simply said left behind too that is, and in speak too of Development, it then can in all even be said that, and in speak of the Masses out there, and as now said too probably suffering in all, that it all now does speak too perhaps, and of the Indian Philosopher that is, and as simply asking of us, and of why we do in all even choose or seek to define, Success, and as said to speak of Acclaim, or Appraisals too, and as versus speak now too, and of Prestige that is. For the Indian World that is, and in Ceremony too, now does ask of us, to in all even define Success, and as said to refer and to speak of defining Prestige, and as said to refer to Property possessed too that is.

The Sudan.