Sunday, July 26, 2015



This entry, does in all even attempt, to proffer in all, a said manner that is, and of viewing our World today, and away from speak of Constructs, and onwards, and to speak truly of Paradigms that is. That most do in all even know of the Construct, and with it all even said to speak, and of the very manner in all, we do often view said Gender, Race, Age and Class Ideologies too, and in our said lives too that is. That what in all, we are attempting to get at here, is that, most today, are said in all even, not understanding of History, and as it did happen too, for we do in all even live in a World said defined today, and by speak of the Construct, and not of the Symbol truly either.

That in all, it too can be said, that History, can too be said, and to belong, and in this very day, and to those too, and who do in all even understand or know truly, what a Paradigm, is simply said to be. However, it too can be said here, and in regards and to speak of assumptions made, and as said to refer, and to the said detailing of life that is, that History, is still very much said, a subject/topic, and of relevant debate/musings that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and from a said context, and that does in all even refer, and to the said even contentious matter/issue in all, debatable too, and if and if not, History, is believed said something worthy/truly of acquainting oneself with, and in now truly associating History, and with speak and of the very term/word of Currency, and if not of the Forex Exchange too that is.

In saying that, the said political existence, and of the Construct in itself, and as said Ideology too, has in all even met resistance so to say, and from said too here, Historical, Political, Evolutionary forces in all, and in speak too and of what does pass for Modern Democracy today for instance, is to now associate it all again, and with speak of Japanese History, and into Asia in itself too, and as said associated or referring, and to speak too of Black Markets, Kabukicho, and if not in speak too of the rise of many a said Chinatown for instance [Link].

In saying that, Japanese society today, and in regards and to speak of History, may be modeled in all, and in speak of the Paradigm (and in speak too of the said Inner/Internal Workings of Japanese society), is to now too, simply offer, a simple said manner in all, and of studying Paradigms, and that could be said too, and to speak of the Jazz Artform that is. That in simply introducing this said Paradigm, and to most, is to associate it all, and with speak too, and of what one could term a Guide/Counsel too that is, and as with it all even said to refer, and to speak too of the said role/position, and of a Skilled Helper that is. However, in simply attempting to make the said Paradigm fun in its ways, and in study too, is to now associate it all, and with speak of Jazz, and of the very said manner too, Jazz in all, does define the following: (1). Discounting (2). Pre-occupation (3). Mandatory (4). Selection (5). Contention.

In all, and in regards and to speak too here of Pre-occupation that is, speak now and of History in itself, and as said too perceived, and from what in all is simply said, to pre-occupy, ones said mind that is, or as simply said to keep one busy, and in said sentimental thought too for instance.