Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jazz Performance

Jazz Performance.

When one does in all even talk, of Jazz Performance in all, one is readily too, referring, and to Personas in all, and not Characters truly either, known to posses, an encompassing Magnetism to them, and such that, they are in all even able to connect so to speak, or readily impress too, many a person, and of a said alienable culture too that is. 

In saying that Japanese Culture, does in all even speak of the Enigmatic, is to now too claim that, Japanese Culture, is believed in all, said even rather old, and in regards too, and to speak of China that is, and one too, often perceived by many Scholars in all, and in speak now too of Performance, and if not of Theatre in itself that is. In saying that, most Asians, do in all even perceive Japanese Culture, and from speak of Critique and Analysis too, is to now say that, Japanese Culture, and as said evolved and in Intelligence, does in all even truly associate it all, and with speak of Tactical and Strategic Intelligences that is. Jazz, and as said though, possessing to it, Intelligence, and that is believed too remarkable in all, does in all even first off, refer, and to the very fact that, what they would in all term Jazz Instrumentals in all, do in all even find a home and in Africa too, but that in all again, Jazz, and as said to be an Intelligent Artform in itself, does have to it, Intelligence, and that does speak too of the Calculative, and of the Adaptive/Logistical too that is.

Both Japanese and Jazz Culture, do in all even heavily deal, and with speak and of the very subject or topic, and of Taboo that is. That we do in all even today, live, and in Media prolific cultures that is, and that are often associated and with speak of Independent and Creative Thinking too, but which in all, have led, and to an obliteration so to speak, and of our very definitions and of Taboo too that is. That there are many in all, and who do in all even deal with many a Taboo issue/matter that is, and who do in all even now, engage, and in the study of Japanese Culture, and such that, it does in all even speak of one, and as said developing a truly said strong Critical manner in all, and of Thinking that is. Those who do in all even understand, that Jazz Performance, or Jazz Culture in itself too, or Jazz and as said an Artform that is, does in all even encompass, just about all other forms out there in all, and in Performance too, is now to say, there are those who do in all even envision Jazz, and as said Void in its ways, and not Emptiness truly either, or it all said too, simply lacking and in notions in all, and of Taboo in itself too that is [that Jazz in all, could very well free one, and in simply not caring too much, and for what Taboo/Authority is believed said to be].

In now saying that, that the Jazz Intellectual, and in regards and to speak and of what does pass for a Jazz Recording truly, and not a Jazz Performance truly either, now does speak of one and as said fully possessing a truly Open Mind in all, now does go along in all, and with speak too of Japanese Identity, and in further speak too of Japanese Masks (Facial) in all, and of Japanese Culture too, and as believed said summarized, and in speak truly and of only one term/word: Shame. That in speak of African-American Identity, it not said Black either, now does speak too, and of it all summarized too, and in speak of the very word/term, and of Stigma that is [and of Jazz too, and as said to fully fit the African-American, and in Expression/Stigma that is, and in further speak too of Fashion/Bodies that is, for Jazz in all again, is truly in all not said African, and in this regard that is: Expression/Stigma].

In all, if Japanese Culture and in all again, can be said too and to speak too of the World-at-large, that said Jazz, now does refer, and to speak too and of the very term of Worldwide that is, and in further speak too now, and of one and as said in Performance, and as said to refer and to one, and in speak of Seppuku, or of the Street Bum too that is.

Jazz Piano.