Friday, June 19, 2015

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing.

What can Cloud Computing, and as now said even, or said touted too, and as said the next big thing, and in Computing too that is, be said to stand for or represent for, and in society today, and in regards now, and of the said evolved even, manners in all, and of Consolidating Identity, Wealth, or even said Effort here too perhaps, and in regards and to speak of Performance too for instance?

Before we can get to the above, and in now simply attempting, to explain it all, in a rather said even clear tone that is, and if not having it all said too, Political in its ways, is to now too perhaps, speak now, and of the Road or Path taken, and not Journey truly either, and in now having one simply arrive, and at the said Cloud Computing cross-roads that is, and as some might in all even put it too that is.

That this History, is more or less, truly, or obviously, said American, and not Japanese either, but could in all even have to it, a Japanese Imprint of a kind, and in regards now, and to American definitions, and of the Trustworthy that is (and not of Trust truly either), and in speak too now, and of past Japanese/Sino - American relations that is.

In having said the above, is to now too say that, society, and if not civilization too, is known or believed to arise, and in speak now, and of Man, and his said fellow Human Beings too, and as said now too, defining themselves truly, and in speak of Trust that is. Trust too, and that does in all even speak of Marital Commitment for instance, and if not of Political/Group Engagement, and in helping foster, or simply give rise, and to Community, and if not society too, and as said even simply grounded in all, and in speak too only and of one said term/word that is: Trust. That such society too, now does in all even differ from that seen today, for it is in all even marked, and by speak of Invention too, and that could very well speak and of whom/who in all Man is, and in speak too now of Practises that is [and not in speak of problem-solving in itself either].

As Time does in all even though, pass by, or go along truly, and in speak now and of perceiving History, and from a said even Literary fashion that is, and which does in all even refer, and to speak too of the Age of Innocence for instance, we do in all even find and see, and in the more recent Times too, past 200-300 years so to say, view Man now, living in societies, and as said defined truly, and by speak of the Trustworthy that is. That this History, is said Japanese too, but said best perceived, and from an American Perspective that is, and which does see America in all, and after the American Revolutionary War, now decide, to very much engage, and in building societies that is, said too, very much driven, and by speak now too, and of Slave holding Nations/Families that is. That in all, America now, is simply said defined, and by speak of the Trustworthy that is, and in speak now too, and of said even Key-Figures in society in all, and as believed said the only persons in all again, said able, and of embodying Trust in itself that is.

America's decision, and to in all even engage, and in Slavery, can be said to be of bemusement to some, and in speak now too, and of America, and as said known having, a strong to it, Jesuit Tradition, and one too, and that does in all even attempt to define one, and as said a truly an able Worker for instance, and if not in speak too now, and of the Building, and of the History too, and of the City of Chicago too that is. However, America in all can now though, be said presumed, to be having serious to it, Trustworthy issues/matters that is, and in speak now too, and of the said even Assassination (Killing) of former American President Abraham Lincoln that is, and in now saying that, Slavery, and in the United States of America that is, now does transform society in America in all, and in manners or ways, most don't truly understand, and in emotion too perhaps, for it now does speak too, and of America defined, and in Intellect too, and in speak truly and of one term/word that is: Usability.

That what is been said here is that, and in speak now too, and of freed Men/Slaves in America, is that, there is a manner in all, and of viewing American History, and in regards to speak too of Slavery, and that does speak too, and of the name/word, and of Jamestown, and in the said Upper American Colonies too that is. That Jamestown, is too, perceived, very much English, and not American truly either, but in now saying that, Slaves in Jamestown, do in all even originate it is believed, and from Sierra Leone in Africa, is to not say it all, for Slaves in Jamestown, and with their History too, observed or associated in all, and with speak of American Slave Markets that is, and not of Cotton Plantations in the Southern States too either, now do in all even appear, empowered, and in speak too of the Tasks, assigned to them that is. That it is this History, now too, said Anglo, or WASP too that is, and in further speak too of the United States of America today that is, and whereby, society now, in America, is now said to evolve, and away from speak too, and of the Trustworthy, and onwards, and to speak now, and of Technology driven societies, and that are in all even defined primarily it can be said here, and by speak of Usability that is. That Usability in all, is now too, and away from speak of Technology, now too does speak of societies, highly said defined, and by speak of Capital too that is.

However, this History, is best told it is believed here, and from speak of African Slaves, and as said even Free Men too, and who are in all even involved in Work Tasks, and that do too, speak of the building of the White House, and in Washington D.C too that is. That American society now, is said defined, and in speak of Usability that is, and of Man too, and as said even highly defining himself now, and not in speak of the Tools he does actually possess, but in many a way truly, and of his learning to define Capital that is, and in speak and of the changing Times, or in speak too and of changing Sentiment too that is. In all again, a said existence or world, and which does see to it, African Slaves, and as said Free Men too, now said even possessing Capital to their names, and in speak of societies ruled over, and by speak too of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too that is.

Japan though, is a society, and that does develop differently, and from that said American too, for Japanese Culture in itself, is often simply described by most, and as simply said Admirable in its ways, and in speak too of it all, and as said perceived, and from speak of Trust that is. It is however, and in the often said/termed Edo Period (1603-1868), and whereby, one does see Japan in all, highly said too, defined, and not by speak of Westernization so to say, but in speak and of its defining itself, and in speak truly and of the Trustworthy that is. Japan, and as it is today though, does not truly arise, and with speak of Japanese-American relations that is, and which do in all even lead to the Pearl Harbour Bombings, but in speak now truly, and of its Samurai/Geisha tradition, and which does in all even see, Japan, and as said even a Knowledge driven society, and in speak of Content too, and Content too that is, and which does in all even speak of Japan, and as said even dealing, and with Key-Trust issues/matters that is [or in speak here too, and of National Security in itself too for instance].

In America though, society does not evolve, and as most would expect it, for in speak now of societies driven by speak of Capital, and if not of Usability so to say (and in speak now and of the said here, Accumulation of Capital that is), now does see to it, go along in all, and with speak of African-American History, and as said to refer, and to speak too of the name of Rosewood for instance. That it is in speak of America and as said defining itself, and in speak of Capital, and of the building of Rail Systems across America too for instance, and which does in all even see, Slavery though, come to an end, and in speak too now, and of the American Civil War that is. That in a said here world, or societies too, and as said defined, and by speak of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too, and in further speak and of the very rise of American Media, and as most do know it today, one does see to it, rising animosity, and in the generating or creation of Wealth too, and towards those, simply said not Patriotic that is [that American Patriotism, now too, is said believed even to house or hold, many a said feeling or sentiment, and in regards, and to speak of Communal Wealth/Identity that is, and as simply described or said American too]. In all, one does see, a game of favour and disfavour, arise here, and in speak now too, and of Public Opinion, Public Sentiment, and if not of Public Profiling too, and as coming to be defined, and by speak of Patronization in itself, and if not in speak of the Vote too, and in further speak here, and of segregative attitudes in all, and which would in all even tell one that, it is not known if it is true or not true, that George Washington, said first President of the United States of America, did in all even keep/have African Slaves, and in his Household/Mansion too, and in Mount Vernon, Washington too that is.

In all, the above, does all lead too, and to speak of many a said Development Agenda, and in the often termed Third World Nations that is, and which do in all even, not speak of Capital in itself, but in all truly, speak now, and of Upgrades, and Updates too, and in regards, and to speak of Communal Identity, or Identity too, and in a said even having a statistical inference here in all, and to it all, and that does speak, and of Data/Knowledge, and as said presented, and from speak of Brackets that is [or speak too here, and of a said even, highly successful Community for instance]. 

Cloud Computing though, is said too, the new thing, and which could bring, Prosperity, and if not Wealth truly, and to many, and in speak now too, and of Knowledge/Information, and as said even processed, anew that is [or speak here, and of having new perspectives, and on many a said old thing too that is]. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Cloud Computing, now too, can be said two things, but that in all again, it can be said too, and to speak of societies, lopsided in their ways, and in the definition of Wealth that is, and in speak now too, and of societies, American truly so to say, now said defining themselves, and in speak of Viability for instance. That Cloud Computing, and as those who do read this Blog, would understand it, is said now, to speak of Routines, Circuits and Loops too, and as said referring, and to speak too of Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds that is. However, it is the said perspective, and that does refer to Cloud Computing, and as said to speak of Viability that is, or speak too, and of the best said Ideas, and at any given moment too (and which do in all even refer, and to speak of Resource Management that is), and such that, Viability, and in regards and to speak of Cloud Computing, now too, does speak even, and of Cloud Computing that is, and as said even perceived, and in speak too of Services, Internet too, and as said defined/described as follows: IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and if not of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service).

In all, it does all speak too, and of said societies, today, and as said even truly defined, and by speak of the Consolidation, and of Identity too, and not Wealth truly, and in speak now and of societies, ruled over by Centralized Structures, and of the said Legal 'terms' too, and of Supra, and if not of Infra too for instance.

Cloud Computing for Dummies.

[Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie]