Time Loops.
In saying that, it is best or wise in all again, and to keep up on, the Physics tradition, and as said defining the Western World today too, and in its ways/manners in all, is to in all even now speak of differing views, and in regards and to speak of our Realities that is. That in speak of Einstein, the very belief that Reality in all, is in all even said Relativism in itself too, while in speak of Feynman, the very belief that Reality in all again, does speak truly and of our re-considering in all, the Present, the Moment and the Now too, but that in speak of Niels Bohr, and of Seppuku too now, speak now and in all again, and of the very manner in all, we do in all believe, of Loops, and Time Loops too, and to and in all even truly define our Realities that is.