Friday, June 19, 2015



This post, and which does serve and as a said even, rejoinder, and to the previous post on Cloud Computing, now does attempt to very much even tackle, the said even demise, and of Intellectualism, and in society or the World today, and in favour in all, and for too speak perhaps, and of Leadership in itself that is.

That the World today, and away too, and from speak of Leadership in itself too that is, can too, be said perceived, and in speak now of Capitalism, Professionalism, and if not of Intellectualism too that is. That it is in speak now of Professionalism in all, and which is in all even, believed, a failure, and in regards, and to helping truly solve, most of the World's problems, and in speak now, and of it all said even equated too, and to the previous post/entry in all, and which did in all even refer, and to speak of Development too, and as said very much perceived, and from speak of Updates, and if not of Upgrades too, and as said even, referring, and to the Einsteinian Worldview in all, and which does in all even perceive the World so to say, and from speak too of Relativism in itself that is [and a World too so to say, believed said even truly acquainted, and with speak now too and of Corruption, Bribery, and if not of Misconduct in itself too that is].

In speak now though, and of Capitalism, and of the Capital Class too, speak now and of their said too, having consolidated their Wealth, and Wealth too, acquired in the last 200-300 Years that is, and via speak too of Profiteering in all, having consolidated their Wealth, and with the Banking Industry in itself, and in speak and of their said too now, owning, the Banks that is, and as with it all even said to refer, and to speak and of their owning, and of Football and Soccer Clubs too, and in the United States and England too and respectively said that is.

Intellectualism though, is known able, to give birth, and to novel approaches in all, and in regards, and to the developing in all and so to say, and of Industry that is. In the very least too, Intellectualism, does not actually speak of Idea generation in itself, but in many a way truly, speak now too, and of the bringing of differing peoples, Artists, Businessmen, Philosophers, Athletes etc., and whose said even point-of-views in all, differing too, can in all even spur, many a said here, truly agreeable Idea that is. However, Intellectualism, and as most would know it, can in all even point at, speak of this very Blog, and in regards now, and to a said termed even, Intellectual Class, defining itself, and if not others too, and in speak now, and of Routine, Circuits, and Loops too that is. Hopefully, this can be understood, and from speak of Loops here, and which do in all even, speak, and not of Lifestyles truly either that is, and in further speak here now and of Circuits too perhaps, but in speak now truly, and of Livelihood in itself too, and as said even to refer, and to someone, and as simply said a Philanthropist too for instance.

In all, Intellectualism, and in Industry too, best said associated here, and with speak too of the Bloomsbury Group for instance.