Friday, May 6, 2016

Japanese Ceremony

Japanese Ceremony.

In saying that Japanese Ceremony, is too said to encompass, talk, and of Ceremony, and in Northern America too, is to now associate it all, speak of Ceremony that is, and with talk too of Custom, Ritual, Rite, and of Ceremony in itself too that is.

In too saying that, Japanese Ceremony, is too said to encompass, talk, and of Ceremony, and in Asia too, is to now associate it all, and with talk too, and of Worship, Ritual, Rite, and if not of Ceremony in itself too.

That Japanese Ceremony, is in all even said, complex, or even said, complicated, and in its very ways too, and does too now speak and of Japan, and as said even now attempting to adapt and to the World and as it is, and in speak too of Context in itself that is, and if not in speak now, and of the very said Act, and of Seppuku too that is.

Sunday, February 14, 2016



When one does resort, and to speak and of Japans' said longstanding Warrior tradition, and from a said Western perspective too, it too can be said that, it is the name of the Sohei, who are believed said to have survived it all, and amongst all said change too for instance, Modern or Contemporary too, and in said comparison, and to speak of the Samurai that is. That in referring truly, and to what this post is said believed, all about, is to now too, speak of Asia, and in a said even Worldly Context that is, and which does in all even ask of one, where in all, the Future it can be said, is believed said to lay/lie that is. That in speak of Australia, speak now and of the very belief that, life on this Earth, is now too said matched, and to speak and of what Necessities, or Necessity too, are in all even said to be, and in now too saying that, the Australians, do in all even believe that, one should in all be truly, said fully equipped, and in facing life too, and in referring to all its said multitude of problems too that is. In speak of India though, Asia's said even most remarkable Civilization in all, one does now see, the search, and for the most said enlightened of Experiences for instance, and if not for the said search of the Atman too, and of what true Bliss or Ecstasy, are in all even said to be, and in speak now and of life, simply said lived out and to the Utmost too that is.

In Japan though, the Sohei, now too do face the difficult task, or challenge too, and of the said best even, manner in all, and of tracking Japans' History, and such that, Japan, is now too said facing the very task, and of redefining itself, and as said too a people, and which too has led many to believe, Japan today, a said even fanatic Nation in all, obsessed with Shintoism too, and in a World, said described or defined, Contemporary, Western or Modern too, and of the Japanese Soul too, said even facing many a challenge, and to what it does mean to be Japanese that is, and in this too said Technological Age we do live in. In all, Japan, said here described Civilization, and amongst talk too of the Sohei, and their said too ability, and in tracking Japanese History, and along the lines of the said even, 'Natural Course of History' that is.