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For many, Japanese History, is often said presented, and from it all too, simply said Asian, and if not said too, corresponding in all, and to talk too of China in itself that is. That Japanese History and as said perceived as such, is often believed said divided, and into many a said Period, and Periods too, and that do in all even attempt to glorify, Japanese Culture, Custom, Dress, Art, Leadership etc., and if not in speak truly, and of Japanese Militarism, and as said to speak too, and of the Samurai, and if not of Japanese Government in itself too that is.
In saying that, the said version above, and of Japanese History, does in all even refer, and to speak of Japan, and in Language truly, and not Symbol truly either, is to now too say that, it is a History, and that does in all even align itself that is, and to speak too of Asia, and if not of China truly that is. That Japan, is believed said to have, a said alternate manner in all, and of viewing its History, and that can too be said, and to speak of Symbol that is. A History too, said believed to originate in all, and in the said Island of Okinawa, for it all too, does now speak, and of Japanese History, and not as said Rich too perhaps, but probably said Complex in its ways in all, for it does too, associate speak of Japan, and with what one too, could term Conventional History, Natural History, Political History, a said Comprehensive/Comparative History, and if not in speak too now, and of Human History in itself that is. That speak of a name, and such as that of Fu Manchu, does speak of a Japanese Political History, and if not of speak too, and of Chinese and Korean Immigrants, and into Japan, but that in all again, Japan, and in its said attempt, to in all even attach itself, in Name, and if not in Symbol too, and to the said History of the United States of America, can too be said to have this attempt, grounded in all, and in a said Japanese Comprehensive/Comparative History, and that does too speak and of the very name of Akio Morita, Mr. for instance, and if not in speak of Sony in itself too that is.
A said differing manner in all, and of viewing Japanese History, and as now said too, sided in all, and to that said American too, does in all even speak, and of what Human History, is said to be all about. A History too, Human History, and in the United States of America, now too said African-American that is, for it all can be said to speak, and of the City of Philadelphia too for instance, and in Name or Meaning too, and if not in speak, and of what too does pass for, or serve for, the following that is [and in both Japanese, and American History too]:
1. Cruelty
2. Atrocity
3. Adversity
4. Barbarity (Ambiguity)
In all, the said History of Jazz, and as said now too perceived, and in speak of Mood, Presence or Solitude too, but that in all again, speak now and of a said new manner in all, and of viewing Japanese History, and as too said Asian, and if not said Post-Modern too that is.